Thursday, March 26, 2009


Since I have not posted much this year, I have some pictures from January. Most are from the Colavita Training Camp in Austin and on from a TT in Casterville.


Fayetteville (FSR) has plagued me as long as I can remember. I didn't race it last year because I was killing myself at San Dimas SR. In 2007 I DNF'd on Sunday's race. This year started out really good. Stage one we rode off into an abyss of fog; the kind that forces you to take your glasses off. About half way into the first lap the fog cleared. There were a few attacks and I chased down Tracey but other than that it was a lot of slow to fast, jumpy riding. I really suffer on those types of races, my quick-twitch muscles are pretty lame. I was happy to finally make it with the group to the sprint (I have been sick almost all season so far) and finished around 13 out of a starting field close to 30 peeps. After a nap I got ready for Stage 2: ~7 mile time trial at 5:15pm. It was great being able to warm up with my teamies. :) The TT went average, I got to remember what suffering felt like but my time was 6th fasted and I wanted top 3. I have some work to do.

Stage 3 was on Sunday and my group had a late start (11:20 am) which displeased me because I hate waiting around! So me and the teamies decided to mix the race up today and attack with counter attacks. I should have realized that I am still not near as fit as I need to be and just sat in. All I needed to do was sit in and I would finish in the $$. I was sitting 6th in GC and Catie was 5th. Anyways, I didn't anticipate attacking until the last lap (3 laps) but Kim was off with a pseudo attack around mile 5. Once the pack caught her I did the counter. I spent too much on the counter that when I got caught at the bottom of the hot spot hill that I couldn't grab the back of the group and was dropped. Mile 5. Soooo I tried to TT the rest of the lap and then decided to just call it quits for the day. Fayetteville is not my race. Who knows, maybe next year.

We did get to stay at Las Brisas Ranch and it was THE BEST!