So, I collect myself and continue on the way, and we end up at the location early. I was in a good mood by now though because I remembered the course from last year, it was one of my favorites! The race was pretty tough though, Christina off the front and I had Tammy not so far behind me. I faired with 2nd place. Steph and I then went on the search for a hotel and I turned hostel since I was hungry and the GPS didn't seem be on our side. After shutting it off and just looking along I30, we found one and unloaded. Then to Jason's Deli...mmmmmmmm.
Sunday's race wasn't as cold so I was happy but I was a bit nervous since Tammy was out there again and I know she was aiming to beat me. I started out ahead of her and then she passed me in one of the corners. Fortunately for me she was behind a guy that crashed and she had to break. I took advantage of that and opened a gap. I spent the rest of the race trying to build on that gap but was never satisfied. I was getting tired. 45 minutes passed and I new it was over, until the ref said "One to go". I hated that person. I made one final lap then thought I would die. But I was satisfied with my race, and took another 2nd to Christina.

The drive home was slow, as I stayed UNDER the speed limit. Okay---I stayed at the speed limit to the dot. We almost got into an accident in Waco...Some one's cheap, aftermarket fiberglass hood flew off their car and just before it smashed into my windshield it hit the ground and I straddled it best I could. No major damage happened so I was able to drive home (with the smell of exhaust filling my car, not a good sign).